Wednesday, September 25, 2013


So my arm IS broken. XP I have a purple cast (see my Mom's blog for picture) which feels like a rock... I can still type though! I will still be on SecretBuilders and other cool websites like The Awesome Sonic Club, but I won't be able to do things like bike or roller skate. :[

My Mom's blog is ...K?

Sunday, September 22, 2013


I know, I know... SOWWY! Xl I need to work on writing more often...
So, lotsa things happened while I didn't post. For starters, my friend Ameera started school again and now can only email me very rarely. :( I went skating last Thursday and fell and might have fractured my arm (Arm is healing up pretty well but it's still swollen)... <:C So yeah... not many good things happening lately.

Well, at least Naomi found my music player that's been missing for over a month! >v< (Well one of the earbuds broke but who cares haha) Sho yeah, that's 'bout all. I WILL HONESTLY TRY TO WRITE MORE OFTEN I PROMISE!!!!!