Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Theory of Evolution

As a strong Christian, I believe that evolution is wrong.
In fact, I believe that it makes no sense whatsoever.
The facts that prove this I will post below.

#1 The fossil record.
See the diagram.

The fossil record SHOULD look like a tree, animals evolving and multiplying again and again. But it doesn't. What it shows is a few bugs micro-evolving into a few different forms and then BOOM! Suddenly the record overflows with fossils of animals of all kinds. That is proof that evolution is wrong. If you're still not convinced, read on.

#2 The impossibility.

Think of a watch. A really old watch like in old movies. Take the imaginary watch completely apart and put all the parts in a box. Shake it for 5 billion years. If you open the box, will the watch be put together AND ticking?

Pretty impossible, right?

The universe is billions of times more complex than an old watch, and according to evolutionists, it all happened by chance. Like someone put all the pieces in a box and shook it for 5 billion years. The chance that that could have happened is one in 5,000,000 X four hundred googleplex. Another reason why evolution can't work.

#3 The time

According to evolutionists, everything evolved from single-cell organisms over a period of billions of years. According to a very smart Christian scientist, that is way too short a time for the complexity of life today to evolve! Another reason why it can't work.

#4 The rate of evolution

If evolution is true, (which it isn't) than everything should have evolved the same time. Which it shouldn't! If everything evolved, there's no way it could have all happened at once. If it's true, then some of the animals today should be half lion and half dog or something like that. I'm not sure if this is really relevant, it's just something my brother and I were discussing.

I don't blame today's generation for being mostly evolutionists, just so everyone knows, so I hope no one yells at me for hating them.

I hope everyone who reads this post seriously considers asking Jesus into their hearts.

Peace out y'all!

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