Monday, February 23, 2015

New Blog Title

LIFE... OF LYDIA! (that's me)

The title was my older sister, Naomi's, idea.

Saturday, February 14, 2015


My finger is getting straighter. I really need to write more often...

Happy Valentines Day! I made a special surprise brunch consisting of waffles, scrambled eggs and breakfast sausage, and valentines for everyone in my family.

Snow! Lots and lots of snow. It's also very windy.

My little brother, Daniel, loves the animoids on my blog. Especially Sari the duck.

And now, a guest paragraph from Rose!

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Thanks Rose!

Peace out, people!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My finger

When I was 4 or 5, I was walking my grandmother's dog in my snowy backyard. I had wrapped the leash around my hand, and the dog was yanking my along, and I broke my left ring finger. However, being a very stoic child, I didn't cry or say it bothered me, so no one ever noticed. My finger healed wrong and now it's all bent. It didn't hurt for years, but recently it's started hurting. I'm seeing a hand specialist about it, and I have to choose between having surgery on it, maybe fixing the pain but possibly limiting the movement in that finger, or not doing surgery and risking it getting worse. I would appreciate prayers.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Guest post by Rose

I know what you're all thinking. "Wow, two posts in ONE DAY?! Lydia's focused!" Well, you might not have been thinking that before, but you are now.

However, this is a guest post by my 6 1/2 months old sister, Rose! What do you have to say, Rose?

hcth   hgc gd r j              mv       ug                          vb erctuftgdcy          hj    hj huiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii                       hxyfydwyfc n    cx777777777777777b  

Okay, thanks Rose! Got anything else to say?

Rose: *tries to grab the keyboard and squeals in ecstasy*

Got it. Goodbye, folks!

Happy New Year!

I have not written in a while. I'm sure you've noticed.

Excuses: Christmas, busy, forgetful, sick, random other stuff.

Okay, we've gotten that over with.

So! Happy new year! I actually posted on the right day this year! Last year I posted on January 2nd, I think. I heard a rumor that aliens are supposed to invade this year. Your thoughts?

My younger brother Isaac's birthday was yesterday! He got a video game, a kite, and a building set. Christmas was also recently, but I can't remember all my presents. Oh well.

My sisters Miriam and Naomi also had birthdays recently. Now our family's ages are, oldest to youngest, 15, 13, 12, 10, 9, 7, 4, 2, 0. It's funny, by the time Rose, our youngest, is 5 or 6 she could be an aunt!

I have to get off, so, cheerio!