Friday, May 30, 2014

Our Pool

Is our pool.
Well, it's more than that. It's us kids getting into the pool as our Dad takes a video of us. On the 24th, Daniel's birthday, we started opening the pool, which means that we started up the pump and took off the heavy winter cover. YAY! ^ ^ Our first swim was on the 26th... or 27th. I don't remember <XD It was 64 degrees Fahrenheit, and IT WAS COLD! >.< We had fun, though. we swam again once yesterday and again today. Today it was warm! ^ ^
I shall write again when I remember. Peace out!

Saturday, May 24, 2014


I've been wanting to write multiple posts lately, but I never got around to it, so I'll just smush them all into one big post.

First of all, Sunny. Sunny, my favorite cat, was hit my a car waaaaay back in January. I haven't written about him yet because previously think about him only makes me cry. He was only a kitten, and I really miss him. :( Here are some pictures of him as a kitten.

That's me --}

 And here are some more recent pictures.

He's so cute, huh? <:'(

Alright, on to less morbid stuff. Today is Daniel's 2nd birthday! YAY! ^ ^ (In case you forgot, Daniel's my youngest brother) I don't think he knows it though. He's currently sitting on my lap watching a video. XD

Um... in other news... oh yeah! Last Saturday, Dad, Naomi, Angela, Miriam and I all went to an AHG family camp! We didn't actually do any camping though. We only stayed until lunch, then Dad said we had to go home because bad weather was on its way. I was really grumpy on the way home, because I didn't mind bad weather. After a while I decided maybe God caused us to go home because something bad was going to happen, like a tornado was going hit. I dismissed that thought the next day, however, because there were no reports on tornados or earthquakes or anything... until a few days later. Then my Dad got an Email saying that it had been confirmed that one of  the girls who went to camp had head lice. EW. Also, apparently, after we left, the girls had all played a game where they put handkerchiefs on their heads (which were shared). BUT, since we all left, none of us got head lice! :D Thanks, God!

So... yeah. I think that's all, sho, bye!

Thursday, May 1, 2014



Um, lessee.

 Last Sunday, us older 4 girls went to the AHG (American Heritage Girls, in case you didn't know) Fashion Show that Naomi and I organized. Naomi and I were on the stage the time, reading the descriptions of the outfits, and boy was I nervous! I didn't mess up though, and it wasn't as bad as I thought. :D

Speaking of AHG, here's come pictures I drew for an art auction!

Ta-daaa! I drew the outlines by hand (see first pictures) and then scanned them into the computer and colored and shaded them. I didn't shade most of Shadow, though, since he's black.
I've been wanting to buy this Sonic Comic that was supposed to come out in February, but it still hasn't come out. -_- Darn it. It's new release date is May 27th, but somehow I doubt that. I wonder what's wrong with Archie comics?

I never did mention that MY MOM IS PREGNANT! :D :D :D :D :D The baby's a girl, she doesn't have a name yet, and she's doing fine. ^ ^

That's all, so, peace out, dudes!