Thursday, May 1, 2014



Um, lessee.

 Last Sunday, us older 4 girls went to the AHG (American Heritage Girls, in case you didn't know) Fashion Show that Naomi and I organized. Naomi and I were on the stage the time, reading the descriptions of the outfits, and boy was I nervous! I didn't mess up though, and it wasn't as bad as I thought. :D

Speaking of AHG, here's come pictures I drew for an art auction!

Ta-daaa! I drew the outlines by hand (see first pictures) and then scanned them into the computer and colored and shaded them. I didn't shade most of Shadow, though, since he's black.
I've been wanting to buy this Sonic Comic that was supposed to come out in February, but it still hasn't come out. -_- Darn it. It's new release date is May 27th, but somehow I doubt that. I wonder what's wrong with Archie comics?

I never did mention that MY MOM IS PREGNANT! :D :D :D :D :D The baby's a girl, she doesn't have a name yet, and she's doing fine. ^ ^

That's all, so, peace out, dudes!

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