Monday, November 17, 2014

Snow Day

Now THIS is a post I never thought I'd be writing in November.

Today it snowed! A lot! A least three inches, enough to cover the grass. There's talk of sledding later, if it's sticky enough. There's also talk of snowman-building... :)

 This is a LOT of snow for November.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


NANOWRIMO STARTS TODAY! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! I'm writing a story about a knight and a dragon.

It also snowed for the first time here! It didn't stick, but it's still cool. (by that I mean interesting AND cold.)

Monday, October 6, 2014

More Life

I've been real busy of late...

So, Rosy-posy (our nickname for Rose) is adorable. ^ ^ She smiles and giggles and loves watching games and videos.

Lately us kids have been filming a sort of TV show (it's not on TV, we just call it that.) called Agent X. Isaac plays Agent X, Naomi is the antagonist, Naki, Miriam's role is jumping around from character to character, Angela is a minion and one of Agent X's superiors, and Joseph is a minion and the other superior. If I know you, you can ask me to email one or more of the episodes to you. They're pretty funny. :D


In 13 days, I'm going to a costume party at AHG(American Heritage Girls)! This is the second costume party I will have gone to in my life, the first being last year's AHG costume party.

Um... we're having chicken for dinner! (RANDOM)

Peace out, folks!


Wednesday, July 23, 2014


It's been a while since I posted...

So, Rose is doing great. She's really cute, and likes swinging in the little baby swing. :)

Daniel and Sarah are nuttier than ever. Daniel's favorite activity is dumping water on the floor, and Sarah's is hitting him whenever he doesn't do her bidding.

My friends, Hannah and Bethanne, auditioned for the Fueled and Aflame dance group, and were accepted! I'm so excited for them. :D

My blog got a new background! I'm still deciding on the one I want, so expect it to change quite a bit in the next few days.

Peace out!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


I continued the cycle and snatched a tag from Naomi.

1. What's your name? First name: Lydia. Middle name: Grace.

2. What color is your hair? Chocolate

3. What color is your eyes? Hazel.

4. How old are you? A teenager. More I will not say.

5. Are you a social butterfly or a recluse? Umm...  a butterfly, I guess, but I can't really hang out with people much because our family's so busy.

6. How many siblings do you have, if any? Eight siblings.

7. When's your birthday? June 23rd.

8. Do you have any pets? Five and a half cats, (The half cat is one that comes around sometimes, but not always) and 18 chickens, though they're not really pets.

9. Are your ears pierced? Nope. *sigh*

10. Got religion? I'm a Christian.

11. If you could travel to just three special places, where would it be? Mobius, Earth in 2016 (that's where the Legend Team is currently), and my dreams. 

12. Do you have a bucket list? Yeah, I guess.

13. What's your idea of a great weekend? Um... I dunno.

14. Fondest memory? I don't know...

15. Are you dating? *bursts out laughing* What an absurd notion! Of course I'm not dating.

16. What is your idea of a great vacation? Florida!

17. Desired career? Writer or Babysitter.

18. Favorite hobbies? Writing, drawing, reading, playing with me siblings,

19. Blondes, brunettes or redheads? I find this a strange question...

20. Favorite animals? Cats, rabbits, fish, dogs, horses, mice... I love ALL animals!

21. Have you ever wanted to fly? Yes. Yes yes and yes.

22. If you could be any celebrity, who would it be? Me!

23. Who are your favorite fictional characters? Shadow the  Hedgehog.

24. Are you a gamer? Yesh. I play video games and roleplaying games.

25. Favorite sport? 4 square.

26. What books are your favorite? Too many to count...

27. Movies? Frozen is good.

28. What television shows do you watch? None! Well, I don't watch any live television. I sometimes watch Old Doctor Who tapes and episodes of this old show called The A-Team.

29. Boots, sneakers or flip flops? Depends on the season.

30. Which is better, the pool or the beach? The pool, I suppose. I barely remember the last time I went to the beach.

31. Icecream or frozen yogurt? Ice cream, although frozen yogurt is very good.

32. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi.

33. Coffee or Tea? Coffee, but not black.

35. Super hero? Green Lantern.

36. Who would you nominate for president? Naomi.

37. Do you believe in martians? People from Mars? What an absurd notion. No.

38. If you could make a movie, what would it be about? Oh, I HAVE made a movie. *giggles* It was about people who ruled candy kingdoms, and it was filmed in my basement, so it wasn't a good one. If I could choose my 'dream movie' it'd be a series of movies about The Legend Team.

39. Favorite authors? Naomi, me, C.S. Lewis, James Patterson, Ruth Song.

40. Who are your favorite celebrities? Me. :D Me and Naomi.

41. Name the people who have inspired you! Naomi! Ameera! Ruth! Me!

42. What time period would you travel to? Right now.

43. Are you obsessed with anything? Define "obsessed"

46. Can you draw?  Pretty well.

47. Favorite school subject? Writing.

48. Have any fears? Hmm... really tall roller coasters, Naomi's claws (just kidding), The changling who lives in my closet and stalks me.

49. If you created a character based on you, what would their name be? I already have. Her name's Tia.

50. Who are your best friends in the entire world? Naomi.

51. What game consoles do you own? Wii, Playstation 2, XBOX, XBOX 360.

52. How old do you want to live to? Long enough to see Naomi live to 100.

53. Which movie studios do you like the best?  What?

54. What kind of house would you live in? A house that floats up in the sky...

55. Favorite soda? Tough choice... Root Beer, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi and Red Cream Soda are good.

56. Favorite beverage? Hot Cocoa

57. Favorite meal?  Pizza or Chinese

58. Favorite snack? Cookies. ^ ^

59. Cake or brownies? Brownies.

60. If you could be any inanimate object, what would it be? A plane.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

My 13'th birthday

Blubbo, friends!

My blubday was on Monday! I turned 13. :D I was going to post about it then, but I forgot. Sorry this is late.

I got six presents. A Super Sonicfish plush from Josephfish, some nerf blub darts from Isaacfish, a containblub of blue nail poliblub from Naomifish, Super Mariofish Galaxy and a set of actionblub figures (Super Sonicfish, Shadowfish, and Silverfish [Not the insect!]) from Momfish and Dadfish, and Super Sonicfish Special magazines 1 through 4! :D

Well, zat's all, so, blub out, friends!

P.S. Please feel free to attempt to translate the fish dialect. For help, try this:

Friday, June 20, 2014

New blog name

So, I was thinking. Why is my blog called the Awesome Sapphire Blog? It's supposed to be about her, but it's mostly about me. If anyone has an idea for a new name, please tell me in the comments!

Also, for no reason at all, I will talk like a fish for the rest of the month.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


My little sister was born yesterday! Her name is Rose Hosanna Kendig, and those are pictures of her below.

Friday, June 6, 2014


My Custom Plush came today! Here's a picture of her compared to my Shadow the Hedgehog plush -->
She's staring at him... XD
Here is the picture I sent them.
She is about 10 inches tall and has a large plastic gem in her forehead. She didn't come with clothes, the dress she's wearing was sewn by my dear sister Naomi. :)
My little unborn sister (dubbed "Princess Aleena" by Sarah, for reasons I cannot fathom) will be born in EXACTLY TEN DAYS! Well, if everything goes according to plan. She might be born earlier.
My birthday is a week after that! I'm so excited. :D

Friday, May 30, 2014

Our Pool

Is our pool.
Well, it's more than that. It's us kids getting into the pool as our Dad takes a video of us. On the 24th, Daniel's birthday, we started opening the pool, which means that we started up the pump and took off the heavy winter cover. YAY! ^ ^ Our first swim was on the 26th... or 27th. I don't remember <XD It was 64 degrees Fahrenheit, and IT WAS COLD! >.< We had fun, though. we swam again once yesterday and again today. Today it was warm! ^ ^
I shall write again when I remember. Peace out!

Saturday, May 24, 2014


I've been wanting to write multiple posts lately, but I never got around to it, so I'll just smush them all into one big post.

First of all, Sunny. Sunny, my favorite cat, was hit my a car waaaaay back in January. I haven't written about him yet because previously think about him only makes me cry. He was only a kitten, and I really miss him. :( Here are some pictures of him as a kitten.

That's me --}

 And here are some more recent pictures.

He's so cute, huh? <:'(

Alright, on to less morbid stuff. Today is Daniel's 2nd birthday! YAY! ^ ^ (In case you forgot, Daniel's my youngest brother) I don't think he knows it though. He's currently sitting on my lap watching a video. XD

Um... in other news... oh yeah! Last Saturday, Dad, Naomi, Angela, Miriam and I all went to an AHG family camp! We didn't actually do any camping though. We only stayed until lunch, then Dad said we had to go home because bad weather was on its way. I was really grumpy on the way home, because I didn't mind bad weather. After a while I decided maybe God caused us to go home because something bad was going to happen, like a tornado was going hit. I dismissed that thought the next day, however, because there were no reports on tornados or earthquakes or anything... until a few days later. Then my Dad got an Email saying that it had been confirmed that one of  the girls who went to camp had head lice. EW. Also, apparently, after we left, the girls had all played a game where they put handkerchiefs on their heads (which were shared). BUT, since we all left, none of us got head lice! :D Thanks, God!

So... yeah. I think that's all, sho, bye!

Thursday, May 1, 2014



Um, lessee.

 Last Sunday, us older 4 girls went to the AHG (American Heritage Girls, in case you didn't know) Fashion Show that Naomi and I organized. Naomi and I were on the stage the time, reading the descriptions of the outfits, and boy was I nervous! I didn't mess up though, and it wasn't as bad as I thought. :D

Speaking of AHG, here's come pictures I drew for an art auction!

Ta-daaa! I drew the outlines by hand (see first pictures) and then scanned them into the computer and colored and shaded them. I didn't shade most of Shadow, though, since he's black.
I've been wanting to buy this Sonic Comic that was supposed to come out in February, but it still hasn't come out. -_- Darn it. It's new release date is May 27th, but somehow I doubt that. I wonder what's wrong with Archie comics?

I never did mention that MY MOM IS PREGNANT! :D :D :D :D :D The baby's a girl, she doesn't have a name yet, and she's doing fine. ^ ^

That's all, so, peace out, dudes!

Sunday, April 20, 2014



So lately I've been thinking... about the origins of some Easter traditions, like, why on earth is there an Easter bunny who hides eggs? Why do we hide and search for eggs on Easter anyway? If anyone knows how these traditions got started, can they let me know? 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Just curious...

Does anyone other then my family actually read this blog? If so, please comment and let me know!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Custom Plush

A couple days ago I ordered a custom Sonic Plush! ^ ^ I ordered it from this site.
I sent them a picture of Saffy, my Sonic charrie, via email. It cost 65 dollars, and it should get here in about six weeks.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Naomi's blog

Just today, I realized that I have been updating my blog way more often than Naomi, who used to complain about how I never posted. *high fives myself*

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


So... life. :)

Last month, our monthly P.E.A.C.H. skates were canceled. -_- Fortunately, the same month a friend of ours arranged a homeschoolers day at a nearby rec center so we can go ICE skating. :)

More good news, my friend Ameera, who was gone for a little over a month as she moved, finally returned and Naomi and I  are chatting with her regularly again. :D

Sonic 06, as mentioned in my previous post, was a HUGE hit with my family (except Naomi). It's all anyone ever plays or talks about. Even my brother  Isaac, who is usually very picky about the games he plays, loves this one.

My little brother Daniel, has also changed. He is now a climbing machine, and it's a miracle that he hasn't gotten seriously hurt yet. :)

So yeah, that's what's been happening. Peace out dudes! Don't forget to feed the animoids! ^ ^

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 review

Last Thursday I got a game I have been wanting for so long, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2006! I didn't post until now because I was having too much fun playing it.

Almost everyone I meet says this is the worst game ever, but I cannot imagine why anyone would give this game a bad review. It is practically the best game I have played in my ENTIRE LIFE!
Now I know that I'm not a professional reviewer. I mostly judge games by plot, and not by gameplay. My sister Naomi hates Elise(resident princess), so she doesn't play the game. She says the rest of the game is boring.

Needless to say, I don't agree. ^ ^

I give this game 5,000,000 stars out of 100! (That should prove my point)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Theory of Evolution

As a strong Christian, I believe that evolution is wrong.
In fact, I believe that it makes no sense whatsoever.
The facts that prove this I will post below.

#1 The fossil record.
See the diagram.

The fossil record SHOULD look like a tree, animals evolving and multiplying again and again. But it doesn't. What it shows is a few bugs micro-evolving into a few different forms and then BOOM! Suddenly the record overflows with fossils of animals of all kinds. That is proof that evolution is wrong. If you're still not convinced, read on.

#2 The impossibility.

Think of a watch. A really old watch like in old movies. Take the imaginary watch completely apart and put all the parts in a box. Shake it for 5 billion years. If you open the box, will the watch be put together AND ticking?

Pretty impossible, right?

The universe is billions of times more complex than an old watch, and according to evolutionists, it all happened by chance. Like someone put all the pieces in a box and shook it for 5 billion years. The chance that that could have happened is one in 5,000,000 X four hundred googleplex. Another reason why evolution can't work.

#3 The time

According to evolutionists, everything evolved from single-cell organisms over a period of billions of years. According to a very smart Christian scientist, that is way too short a time for the complexity of life today to evolve! Another reason why it can't work.

#4 The rate of evolution

If evolution is true, (which it isn't) than everything should have evolved the same time. Which it shouldn't! If everything evolved, there's no way it could have all happened at once. If it's true, then some of the animals today should be half lion and half dog or something like that. I'm not sure if this is really relevant, it's just something my brother and I were discussing.

I don't blame today's generation for being mostly evolutionists, just so everyone knows, so I hope no one yells at me for hating them.

I hope everyone who reads this post seriously considers asking Jesus into their hearts.

Peace out y'all!

Thursday, January 2, 2014


So what if I'm a day late? Big deal. XD

For Christmas I got:
4 popsicle molds
Rayman: Origins
2 Poi Balls
Sonic Legacy Volume 1
Recorder (instrument)
Elephant cookie cutter
15 dollars (which I'm going to buy a video game with :D)
Thinking putty

So yeah, pretty good haul this year. XD

In other news, I'm sick.
very sick. :P

Three of my siblings had birthday recently, and I'm still trying to get used to the fact that my darling sister Naomi is 14. :D She should write about it on her blog one of these days.

I think that's all. Until next post!